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3D프린팅 소식

[해외]3D 프린팅을 통해 만들어진 새로운 역 반사 섬유

  • 2019-08-07
  • 관리자



○ 본문요약 :




Ghebrebrhan 가브리엘 ZJ Loke 및 요엘 핀크 첨가제는 제조 프로세스에 대한 신규 한 물질을 연구에 참여하고있다. 새로운 재귀 반사 섬유로 저자는 이전에 들어 본 적이없는 복잡한 (비 원형, 비 볼록형) 단면과 광학적 산란 특성을 나타내는 재료 조합을 제공합니다. 이 새로운 종류의 섬유는 층별로 구성되지만 나중에 섬유처럼 사용될 수 있습니다.


Michael Ghebrebrhan, Gabriel Z. J. Loke, and Yoel Fink are engaged in studying novel materials for additive manufacturing processes. With a new retroreflective fiber, the authors offer a material combination with a previously unheard of complex (non-circular, non-convex) cross-section that also exhibits optical scattering properties. This new kind of fiber is built up layer by layer but can subsequently be used as a fiber would.




a) Top view of the 3D printed polycarbonate (PC) preform with five indium strips in the channels. The outer cross-section of the preform contains a curvy serpentine outline. 

b) Side view of same preform. 

c) Epoxy-embedded drawn fiber under a microscope (transmitted light image)

d) Same sample but reflected light. Both images in c and d illustrate the same curvy serpentine indium architecture as that constructed in the preform 




○ 본문요약 : 3DPRINT.com








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  • 정보통신산업진흥원
  • 3D융합산업협회